Zinuo You (游子诺)

I am Zinuo You, currently pursuing my Master's degree in Computer Science at ETH Zurich, major in visual and interactive computing. Throughout my research journey, I have had the privilege of working under the supervision of Dr. Anpei Chen, Prof. Andreas Geiger and Prof. Siyu Tang. I also work closely with Dr. Stamatios Georgoulis and Dr. Dengxin Dai. My work focuses on robust large-scale scene reconstruction and 3D reconstruction for video stabilization.

Previously, I received my bachelor degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Beihang University in 2021. I was also a research intern supervised by Dr. Hui Xiong and Prof. Keqiang Li at Tsinghua University, focusing on the vehicle perception and pedestrian prediction.

Outside of research, I enjoy doing sports including tennis🎾, Body Attack🏃, swimming🏊 and hiking🥾. I also love to play the piano🎹 and travel.

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My current research interests lie at the intersection of 3D Computer Vision and Computer Graphics. Currently, I am interested in optimization-based and feed-forward scene reconstruction. I am also excited about designining novel scene representations for wide applications and spatial AI.

b3do GaVS: 3D-Grounded Video Stabilization via Temporally-Consistent Local Reconstruction and Rendering
Zinuo You, Stamatios Georgoulis, Anpei Chen, Dengxin Dai, Siyu Tang
In Submission
[Paper] [Video]

We present a novel paradigm to stablize videos via 3D reconstruction and rendering, archiving full frame synthesis, high geometry consistency and robust to intense camera motions.

b3do NeLF-Pro: Neural Light Field Probes
Zinuo You, Andreas Geiger, Anpei Chen
CVPR 2024
[Project Page] [Arxiv] [Code]

We present a novel grid-based neural representation of light fields, which is adapted to diverse natural scenes, achieving fast reconstruction with high quality and maintaining compactness.

Selected Course Projects

b3do Physically-Based Cloth Simulation
With Zeren Jiang, Yuhan Zhang
Physically-Based Simulation. ETH Zurich HS 2021.

Position based dynamics for the cloth simulation interacting with objects. Implemented with Taichi framework.

b3do Numerical Fast Code for Triangle Listing
With Yuhan Zhang, Zeren Jiang, Jiahui Zhang
Advanced System Lab. ETH Zurich FS 2022.

Proposed numerical optimization for three triangle-listing algorithms, including effective branch elimination, blocking, unrolling, vectorization and etc. Profiling with Intel VTune and Valgrind.

b3do Learning Animatable Avatars with Multi-view Images
With Zhiyin Qian, Haokai Pang, Han Yang
Virtual Human. ETH Zurich FS 2022.

A pipeline for generating animatable human avatars from multi-view 2D images. Mainly focused on 3D reconstruction with UNISURF on ZJU-MoCap

b3do Ray-Tracing Render
With Yuhan Zhang
Computer Graphics. ETH Zurich HS 2022.

A ray tracer supporting global illumination and homogeneous volumetric rendering, with advanced features including 2D non-local means denoising, advanced camera effects, Disney BRDF, environmental mapping and subsurface scattering.


Teaching Assistant, Computer Organization Lab, Autumn 2019 and Summer 2020, Beihang University.
Teaching Assistant, Data Structure, Spring 2019, Beihang University.

Webpage design credit to Jon Barron.